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Someone who is really annoying, incompetent, or is an idiot with no sense of likeability from others.

Bum, bumhole.

Hipsters, Trendies, or Homosexuals.

Come to our show, you faggotbox.

WOW, you are so annoying! You are a pain in my faggotbox!

Dood, that kid looks like a faggotbox.

by jumpafence August 26, 2010

2👍 1👎


bum, bumhole

WOW, you are super annoying! You are a pain in my faggotbox!

by jumpafence August 26, 2010

1👍 1👎

just chill with her

When bored, depressed, excited, horny, or frustrated with life or annoying situations, a person may feel the need to just chillout. They may also want to spend time with someone.

'Just chill with her' is usually said to a male, but can also be said to a girl, in order to advise them to relax or to encourage them to approach a person of interest. The person of interest can either be a person whom you hope for a relationship, friendship, network, or hookup. The most often person to 'just chill with' is Katy Perry. 'Her' is not always a female.

There doesn't even need to be a person to 'just chill with;' a person can 'just chill with' himself. In essence, it means to take it easy.

1- Gar: Bro, that girl is so cyoot man.
Bacon: Woooowww whatever just CHILL with her!

2- Bacon: Woooooooooooowwwwww I hate life, I have alllllll this gar homework to do!
Gar: Bro, just chill with her.

3- Gar: Man, I really wanna get that job! The employer i was talkin about, John, is diggin my portfolio.

by jumpafence October 24, 2009

16👍 5👎