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fail sauce

a delicious and spicy metaphorical sauce that only should be used when describing major douchebags or assholes.

"wow that douchebag is a fail sauce. he deserves death."

by junksauce February 18, 2008

43👍 34👎

got beef?

used to ask if someone has an issue with you, as if to say "is there a problem here?"

use only when dealing with complete noobs.

you got beef? ill take u out son

by junksauce February 14, 2008

34👍 8👎


much like zomg, zomfkg just adds a couple letters that represent fukking. used by many in the now-dead game of sof2.

do0d like ZOMFKG tahts so l33t!!

by junksauce February 14, 2008

15👍 4👎

Alobama Man

A white male from Alabama who believes that because he voted for Obama, he can never be considered a racist ever again.

"I used to take part in public lynchings, but since I voted for Obama I am now an ALOBAMA MAN!!!!"

by junksauce November 9, 2008

12👍 1👎


if you are a baker, you LOVE to smoke weed. you are pretty much high or confused 24/7, but somehow manage to keep on living.

wow that kid is such a baker.

by junksauce February 14, 2008

270👍 134👎