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Convent of the Sacred Heart

An exclusive all girls San Francisco private school, with an elementary school and high school. These girls defy all stereotypes they have been given, and when times get hard, they are as close as friends could ever be. When graduation comes around, it feels like sisters are being torn apart, so it doesn't matter what other schools, like Hamlin and Burkes, or SI or Lick say, because Convent girls always have each other. They dismiss all the names all schools have labeled them with, such as Whore House, or Hoes on a Hill, Bitches on Broadway, and so many more, because they are smart girls, with big dreams. Convent girls deserve more credit than they are given.

"Look at that girl with the short skirt and designer bag. She must go to Convent of the Sacred Heart"
"Ew. She looks like a hoe."
"No. You are wrong! She is a super nice convent girl."

by justansfkid January 31, 2012

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