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One of the sexiest men in the datarxz discord server. Often flirting with Revenant, justdia, and Testicle Tom-Sama.

I heard swagrievous had sex with Revenant

by justdia October 30, 2020


The funniest mod in the datarxz discord server. Everything he says is funny and will go to the starboard.

SuperPhone: me when sex balls xd chungus

everyone else: 😂😂😂😂😂

by justdia October 29, 2020


One of the best and sexiest mod in the datarxz discord server. Sadly as of writing this, he doesnt have senior. This sexy ass fucking mod deserves senior mod. G4S

we need Garfieldrxz to be senior mod #G4S

by justdia November 1, 2020

Revenant Datarxz

The most sexist, buffest, and cutest man in the datarxz discord server. He has big pp and he may look like Flint Lockwood, but he is sexy as fuck.

I am in love with Revenant Datarxz, he is just so fucking hot and handsome.

by justdia November 9, 2020


The most sexiest and cutest man in the datarxz discord server. He may look like Flint Lockwood, but he is very sexy and handsome.

I am in love with Revenant, he is just so sexy.

by justdia October 29, 2020


an artist in the datarxz discord server that for some reason justdia is in love with

justdia: zt!lick @CrunchiesJL

by justdia October 29, 2020

datarxz booba

boobies 😳

mmm datarxz booba 😍

by justdia November 10, 2020

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