Source Code


That fucking horse that fucking dies in that fucking awesome movie, <U>The Never Ending Story</U>.

Artax, stop being such a sad little bitch, you're going to fucking die! - Atreyu

by kRaZyToM April 25, 2004

26👍 8👎

mean girls

a movie you masturbate too

I just got my welfare check in today so I decided to go see Mean Girls.

by kRaZyToM April 30, 2004

156👍 288👎

fucking awesome

a way to describe the weather

p1: Dude, did you go outside today?
p2: yea
p1: Fucking Awesome

by kRaZyToM April 30, 2004

28👍 38👎

twat rockin

Something that if fucking awesome

Dude, I saw Dan's girlfriend naked, it was TWAT ROCKIN!

by kRaZyToM April 30, 2004

4👍 2👎

I'm game

To be wanting to do an event. Usually someone offers to do something and you reply "I'm game".

Im about to tie up my dog and feed it Tums. You game?

~ I'm game dude, lets cujo that bitch up!

by kRaZyToM April 30, 2004

5👍 5👎

let's do this

Usually said before a fight, or when an event is about to go down. You are wanting to be part of this event.

p1: Dude you called my cat a fucking heeb.
p2: Let's right, you wanna rumble over it aunt jemima?
p3: Fuck yea! Let's do this!

by kRaZyToM April 30, 2004

82👍 65👎