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Go ahead, make my day

"Go ahead, make my day"

spoken by Harry Callahan played by Clint Eastwood, in Dirty Harry.

It means that the speaker would be very happy if you continue on with your actions or behaviour because he/she could react in a manner that would be extremely pleasurable to them.

Go ahead, make my day!

by kakayuki April 22, 2005

241👍 47👎


Tough guy with big gun(s).

Using by hardcore online-gamers. When good player having superior weapons but he could won without it, he called "Zoli".

(pejorative expression such as "score-whore", "spawn-killer")

(It sounds like the name of the famous Italian gunsmith Antonio Zoli who made good and nice shotguns.)

Italian and Hungarian players loves to use this nick name.

Damn, U fight like Zoli.
Don't be a Zoli plz.

by kakayuki April 22, 2005

29👍 13👎