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Julianne is a free spirited yet socially awkward weirdo whom you can share a good laugh or hug with at any time. Their beauty is undeniable and they often don't recgonize it. They have hearts of pure gold and never want people whom they care about to get hurt. They are amazing people whom you fall in lov with immediately and never fall out of love with. They are commonly brunettes with gorgeous chocolate brown eyes and a smile that could kill. They love food, any type, and when you hang out with them you will usually stuff your selves silly. They are the type of people whom you can get high off of just with their personality. They don't usually do the best in school but they try their hardest and that is all that matters to them. If you are their best friend you are very lucky because the friendship that a Julianne gives lasts forever. Juliannes are all together brilliantly gorgeous people whom you can always depend on.

did you see julianne today?
Yeah she was giving her friend a hug hug!!!!

by katelinmarie November 6, 2016

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