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1. To have the properties of a McDonald's Chicken Nugget.

2. An adjective describing the overwhelming feeling one has when you eat a McDonald's Chicken Nugget.

1. "Hey Loz, how's your Maccas going?"

2. "How do you feel after eating your Maccas?"
"Aww, so nuggety!"

by kavdog May 16, 2010

41👍 21👎


When someone reveals information about someone to their face that could only have been garnered via intensely following their activities on social networking sites. Nearly always potentially embarrassing for both parties.

Uhh...sorry how stalkward.

by kavdog June 1, 2010

26👍 9👎

The Potter

The place where one spends 95% of your time when enrolled in a University of Melbourne Arts Degree.

Hey there Stephanie Hyphen-Surname, we've got our" Wanky Politics and General Disillusionment" lecture in 10 minutes!

Ok I'll meet you at The Potter.

by kavdog September 12, 2010

23👍 6👎