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Urban and popular way of saying all right.

person: Yo wanna hit the clubs later?

other person: Aight so i'll call you.

by kidcanada101 June 27, 2004

37👍 22👎


wtf normally means what the fuck?
But you can use any of the 5 w's in place of what.

Dude1: Yo dude2 man can hook me up wit that girl in your class?
dude 2: Wtf eueuuwwwwww why? She's so ugly.

ex 2: Dude im goind to the AMC later wanna come wit?

dude2: Wtf is the AMC.
In this example the w stands for where.

by kidcanada101 June 27, 2004

9👍 13👎


Yo crunk can mean crazy and drunk put in one word. It really means like really hype, fun and energized most of the time.

Yo Matt that was a really crunk party last night.

Hell ya you know it.

by kidcanada101 June 27, 2004

64👍 85👎


A girls boobs or breasts if you will.

person:Damn that girls has got some nice tities!

person2: Man I know, she's so fine!

by kidcanada101 June 27, 2004

1099👍 441👎