Source Code

Drummer's Syndrome

When drummers and wannabe drummers absolutely cannot stop tapping surfaces or playing drumkits in your practice space, despite the fact that the rest of the band needs to sort something out, you've got a case of Drummer's Syndrome on your hands.

"Goddammit, there he goes again with his Drummer's Syndrome! Stop fucking playing, we need to tune!"

by kikanjuuneko December 7, 2005

84πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Vegan straight edge.

"Dude, wanna grab a beer and a burger?"
"No, thanks, I'm VSE."

by kikanjuuneko October 28, 2006

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


When they for some undecipherable reason decide to film the guy's face in a porno. Causes discomfort in sexually insecure men.

"So, the other day, I was watching White Booty Hoes #63, and just as I was about to skeet, some manface popped up. I lost my boner and felt pretty ghey."

by kikanjuuneko January 26, 2006

13πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

mosh callout

A (usually short) vocal cue, most commonly used by hardcore bands to announce a breakdown, so the crowd knows when to start moshing.


"Bring it!"

"Don't be a pussy, get hit!"

by kikanjuuneko September 8, 2004

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Ultimate Stranger

A variation on The Stranger. Involves, in addition to sitting on your hand until it becomes numb, also painting the nails on that hand. You then have a seat in a dark room or closet and use your free hand to shine a flashlight on the hand with the painted nails while you masturbate.

"My girlfriend left me, so I gave myself The Ultimate Stranger. I then proceeded to contemplate the emptiness of my existence and ended up contacting my lawyer and writing my will."

by kikanjuuneko February 21, 2008

Three Word Syndrome

A phenomenon in the hardcore, metalcore and emo scenes where band names are dramatic constructions of three words or more. In some cases, the spaces between these words are removed for extra cool points.

There are lots of band names that suffer from Three Word Syndrome: Embrace the End, Killing the Dream, Bleed the Dream, Bleed the Sky, As Cities Burn, As Hope Dies, Beneath the Ashes, Boysetsfire, Skycamefalling, Prayer For Cleansing, November Coming Fire... Okay, I'm done with examples now.

by kikanjuuneko December 25, 2005

27πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Derived from the Mel Gibson movie with the same name, the Braveheart is when during a concert (usually of the harder type), the band tells the audience to split up into two sides, one dubbed the English, the other dubbed the Scottish. These sides will face each other, and on some type of cue, usually when the music or a breakdown starts, the two sides will run into each other, causing a giant moshpit to erupt all over the venue.

"That was an amazing Braveheart!" Lou Koller (Sick of It All), Stockholm, 3/4 2004

by kikanjuuneko March 4, 2004

56πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž