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Cameron's are sweet, non-judgemental guys. They will do anything to win a girls heart and are a tad bit clingy, in an enchanting way though. Cameron's are very tall men who wear nice clothing to pull it off. Preferably they tend to like to wear suits every now and then. They are very trust worthy people, and are great with family. They try to act bold, brave, and strong all the time but they do have a soft and sensitive side to them. Once you have met a Cameron and gained all their respect they will go out of their way to help you out. Cameron's have the best manners, always remembering their please and thank you's. They are extremely flirty and know exactly what to say to get you in the mood. A Cameron can be a true friend, or a great lover.

Girl 1: Isn't Cameron so handsome, ugh, too bad he's got a girl already...
Girl 2: I know right?!

by kindahotkenzee December 8, 2015

21👍 7👎