Source Code

Fred Flintstone

When a guy with a huge dick pulls away while his girl is on her knees blowing him and he starts swinging his big prized cock across her head, just like a prehistoric caveman would whack his woman on her head with his caveman club.

I Fred Flintstoned my bitch on her head last night...yabba dabba doo.

After I pulled a Fred Flintstone on my chick, she saw stars all night long.

Lucky my girl got no bruises on her head after I Fred Flintstoned her or I be arrested for domestic violence. shit.

by king_muscat April 16, 2010

267👍 42👎


When a girl is blowing a guy with a big cock, and the guy pulls away and swings his prized manhood back and forth while whipping his chick across her head with his big erect cock...like a caveman does to his woman when he hits her across her head with his big club.

I was cavemanning last night, and my chick saw stars all night long. Lucky she had no black and blue bruises on her forehead or I would be arrested for domestic violence, shit.

by king_muscat April 16, 2010

336👍 116👎


When a girl is blowing a guy with a big cock, and the guy pulls away and swings his prized manhood back and forth while whipping his chick across her head with his big erect cock...like a caveman does to his woman when he hits her across her head with his big club.

To caveman a bitch is to club her with your huge cock.

I pulled a caveman on my bitch last night with my big cock.

The chick saw stars all night long after I did the caveman on her.

Wayne's big cock left Amanda dazzled after he worked his caveman magic on her.

by king_muscat April 20, 2010

352👍 151👎