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The Foo Fighters

A band of brave fighters who took down the species that terrorized the earth long ago known as the “foo”

“Bro how did the foo go extinct”
“The foo fighters took em out”
“Wow that’s sick”

by knmjhytfdresawqWDRSFTHJ August 1, 2020

California Stop

Slowing down, but not fully stopping at a stop sign. (Also known as a “Hollywood Stop” in Northern California)

“I almost hit that car!”
“That’s what happens when you do a California Stop!”

by knmjhytfdresawqWDRSFTHJ March 2, 2021

Frosties Surprise

When a girl builds a penis on a snowman and uses it as a dildo.

“What’s that Girl doing over there?”
“Oh that’s Frosties Surprise.”

by knmjhytfdresawqWDRSFTHJ October 15, 2019

Swamp German

Derogatory name for Dutch and sometimes Belgian peoples.

Maarten Vanderveeke is from the Netherlands. Oh so he is a “Swamp German”?

by knmjhytfdresawqWDRSFTHJ September 30, 2020

32👍 7👎


The way US Highway 101 was meant to be referred to by.

“Yeah I was on THE 101 the other day”
“What do you mean “The” 101? It’s just 101. Get the fuck out of here, you Angeleno piece of shit”

by knmjhytfdresawqWDRSFTHJ March 2, 2021

2👍 3👎

Got that Dawg in him

When a sports player is very good.

Person 1: “Did you see Jacob DeGroms pitching performance last night?”
Person 2: “Hell yeah I did, he got that dawg in him”

by knmjhytfdresawqWDRSFTHJ May 18, 2022

14👍 28👎