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party shitter

A person who completely ruins a party by stopping the fun or completely ruining the mood. Basically an extreme version of the Party Pooper.

"That cop totally broke up our party"
"Yeah...what a Party Shitter!"

by koehlerdus December 27, 2006

30👍 10👎


A person of descent from the primitive island known as Samoa. They look Asian except with a larger nose, larger eyes, larger eyebrows, and a larger ass.
Generally a friendly people except in the United States.
They are one of the hardest people to knock out so go for the knees.

Simoans of Hawaii don't value protection from the United States.

by koehlerdus April 5, 2005

858👍 815👎


One step above asinine:
1. extremely or utterly foolish.
2. of, relating to, or resembling an ass.

That wasn't asinine, it was asiTEN!

by koehlerdus September 14, 2007

26👍 4👎

Star Cannon

Another word for your butthole.

You could hear the gas ejecting from his star cannon.

by koehlerdus May 20, 2020


An fast internet browser which only renders standards compliant code. Since a large portion of websites rely on non-standard code, Opera is out of touch with the real world.

In a perfect world Opera would be the browser of choice. Until then, many developers will sadly find it easier to block opera browsers.

by koehlerdus March 3, 2010

12👍 8👎


An "all-in-one" computer, designed for the low-end users.
Their simplicity made them popular among schools, colleges, females, new computer users, and other people who did not realize the benefits of buying a different computer that can be easily upgraded.

-No floppy drive. Intended as "moving forward" but the first models didnt even have a CD-RW drive, making the simple task of transporting(not transfering) data very inconvenient.

-One button mouse, again, good for 8th-grade students and for old people who may have trouble understanding two-button mice.

- Considered to be very cheap, but you are still getting what you pay for(300Mhz, 64mb RAM, 6-gig HD, built-in 15-inch display(not flat) would be costing you $800+) Not a real bargain.

-A lot of schools have bought new G5 computers since their original iMacs are almost impossible to expand/upgrade, making them obsolete.

If your buying a computer, keep your future in mind; If it's an O.K. computer now, what will it be in three years? Will you be able to add to it and keep it up to date, saving you money in the long run?

Johnny bought an iMac, it was good for a year. He couldnt buy any cheap upgrades so if he wants anything faster, he will have to spend $800.00+ on a new computer.

by koehlerdus March 9, 2006

228👍 195👎