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The Good Book. The number-one selling book of all time. The living, breathing, inspired Word of God. God's message to us on how we can find the only way to him---through Jesus his Son, so we can obtain salvation. Composed of the New and Old Testaments and 66 smaller “books,” the Bible was written over thousands of years from Moses (who wrote Genesis) around 3000 BC to John the Revelator (who wrote Revelation) at the end of the first century. The general theme of the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is that human beings are stuck in the middle of a spiritual war between God and Satan for the souls of mankind. Luckily, the Cross of Jesus Christ, the central figure of the Bible, allows human beings to choose which side they will swear allegience to. The Old Testament looks FORWARD to a coming Messiah and the Cross for our redmeption, while the New Testament looks BACK at the Cross. The Bible opens with the creation of the Universe and “the fall” of mankind and finishes with the Great White Throne Judgement, when all evil (including Satan and his followers) will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, putting an end to evil once and for all. The Bible is used for reporoof, for correction, for teaching and instructing in the way that human beings need to live. The Bible calls itself a “sword,” proving that it is very divsive among people. Yes, the truth will be divisive but effective to save the lost. People have tried to disprove it for centuries but it will never happen. Its message will NEVER be destroyed as it claims, proving to be the true Word of God Almighty.

The Bible is the guide for human beings to live by so that we may have hope.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com December 12, 2007

93👍 1268👎

Silicon Valley

a region in Northern California along the west shore of the San Francisco Bay, that stretches from San Jose to San Francisco, that is a major center for high-tech manufacturing and numerous web-based corporations. It has a high cost of living as a result and and is among the most expenesive regions in the United States to live.

Silicon Valley has a very liberal mindset with a diverse population

by krock1dk@yahoo.com July 28, 2007

134👍 41👎


The place people will easily go to avoid Walmart. A major retailer headquartered in Minnesota and known for its high quality products unlike Walmart or Kmart, but treat their hourly employees like yesterday’s garbage. Their stores are cleaner, the employees seem at least half decent and many of their products are made in the U.S., unlike Walmart where they are made in Communist China.

The bad outweighs the good, however. The employees are paid minmum wage and treated like second class citizens. Employees are brainwashed into using cutsie names for customers i.e. “guests” and coworkers "team members" and trained into asking any guest, “Can I help you find something?” What crap. NOTE TO MANAGEMENT: YOU’VE OBVIOUSLY HAD YOUR MAID DO YOUR SHOPPING FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE OUT OF TOUCH WITH THE CUSTOMER BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO BE BOTHERED, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY KNOW THE EMPLOYEE YOU HIRED AND 'TRAINED' IS BEING FORCED TO ASK THE QUESTION WITH A FAKE SMILE ON THEIR FACE. YOU SUCK. GO GET A A COLLEGE DEGREE TO GET REAL KNOWLEDGE AND REAL SKILLS TO GET A REAL CAREER AND YOU WILL LEARN WHAT REAL BUSINESS IS. HOW YOU TREAT YOUR EMPLOYEES AFFECTS HOW THEY TREAT YOUR SO-CALLED ‘GUESTS.’ Management treats their lower paid employees like slaves and expendable goods. Working overtime is discouraged (as if employees don’t have bills to pay) and not asking a “guest” for assistance results in being written-up and reprimanded like you are a kid. Target is one of those companies where its overpaid fatcats have not yet caught on that the treatment of their employees will have an effect on how they treat the “guests.” It’s simple economics, and I’m not even an Econ major and know that. The funniest thing about this out-of-touch corporation is that it hires 6-feet, 200 pound security guards. For what? Are they actually afraid someone will walk off with a $2 bottle of shampoo? Target management and its corporate bigwigs need to get over themselves, because it’s not like they have job skills that would require getting a real career.

Target management sucks, just like evry other company out there.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com December 29, 2007

76👍 24👎


an unwritten set of cultural rules.


1. tipping in the United States

2. placing the fork to the left of the plate and the knife/fork on the right

3. a man should call a woman is he has asked for her number

4. dont be late on a date

5. during a job interview, dont sit down until asked by the interviewer

6. not putting you elbows on the dinner table

7. dont ever break off a relationship via e-mail; do it by phone or in person

Etiquette is actually pretty silly

by krock1dk@yahoo.com November 30, 2007

70👍 42👎


One of the two major political parties in the U.S. It was formed by Thomas Jefferson but has changed greatly since then. It has become a self-righteous, corrupt and politically-correct party that has grown to embrace the Hollywood culture, abortion, socialism, the redistribution of wealth, universal healthcare, gay marriage, illegal immigration, envrionmentalism, antiquated labor unions, constantly higher taxes and usually followed by tax and spend practices, larger government and its stupid handouts and entitlement programs. Democrats are often hostile to corporate America and national defense. Most Democrats masquerade themselves as compassionate for the sake of votes and power.

The Democrat party is not successful anymore because its beliefs are largely antiquated and don’t work. Democrat philosophy, quite honestly, lacks faith in the American system by embracing far-left ideals. Much of its philosophy lacks common sense.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com November 29, 2007

8780👍 1426👎


One of the two major political parties in the U.S. run by rich lobbyists known for radical spending, special interest and high taxes.

see: Republican

The Democrat party represents its own self interest.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com January 31, 2008

163👍 1007👎


A city in the San Fernando Valley of Greater Los Angeles with a population of about 100,000. It is the home to many motion picture companies including Walt Disney, Warner Brothers and NBC.

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno always opens with "Downtown Burbank" in the background.

by krock1dk@yahoo.com August 29, 2007

226👍 127👎