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Kyle Kulinski

America's greatest political commentator. Actually defends the little guy from the capitalist tyrants.

Kyle Kulinski is houngry, let's watch his show ''Secular Talk'' on YouTube.

by kylekulinskifan June 25, 2024

Maxwell Frost

A based and decently progressive leader, having been involved with March for Our Lives to prevent gun violence. As the first Gen Z congressperson, he has become a true inspiration by overcoming some of the many challenges our generation faces.

Maxwell Frost is easily Florida's best congressperson; I just wish he would join the Squad, though.

by kylekulinskifan June 25, 2024

ana kasparian

Synonym for TERF (Trans-exclusionary radical feminist).

Person A : Man did you see how Ana Kasparian from the Young Turks became a right-wing grifter??

Person B : OMG, really? What a shame!

by kylekulinskifan August 10, 2023

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Sack Tap

an action Steven Crowder asks you to do to him because he's totally not gay.

Steven Crowder : Hey you must Sack Tap me and keep it between us ;)

Male staffer : What the fuck

by kylekulinskifan August 10, 2023

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When you tell samoans not to vaccinate themselves and they end up dying of measles.

Samoans died because of Robert F Kennedy Jr's anti-vaxx bullshit. He really was rfking them.

by kylekulinskifan August 13, 2024

Marty Dolan

A rich Wall Street elitist running as AOC's primary challenger. Probably the type of guy to browse Reddit all day and smugly tell people : "You don't even know basic economics bro!!! How are you going to pay for it?!!!".

Marty Dolan is just a rich Wall Street dude who doesn't get it; vote for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on June 25th to support real progressive change!

by kylekulinskifan June 25, 2024

George Latimer

A conservative DINO (Democrat In Name Only) and a MAGA plant, backed by corrupt Hillary Clinton. He has zero plans to tackle the climate crisis and advocates for the continued bombing of innocent civilians in Palestine.

George Latimer is just a conservative MAGA plant. On June 25th, I will vote for Jamaal Bowman, an actual Democrat who cares about real issues like ending genocide overseas.

by kylekulinskifan June 25, 2024