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Poseur is a truly moronic term used primarily by those who also meet the traditional definition of poseur (i.e. "trying to be something they're not". The reality is, though, poseurdom is a stage of adolescence. "Poseurs" are simply trying to find themselves, and, as a result, may go through nearly every phase there is. Just like you, the prep turned gangster turned goth turned emo turned skater is trying to establish who they really are.

The only reason one person refers to another as a poseur is because they wish to be seen as "hardcore" by insulting others.

by lacoste_lover January 22, 2006

33πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

rich kid rage

The type of frustration and anger solely found amongst the relatively priveledged. This rage generally has no outside culprit, but rather results from the fact that all people are angry, regardless of if they have an apparent reason to be. To others, it may appear that the rich kid is a whiny, spoiled little fuck, which, while somewhat true, overlooks the fact that rage is an inescapable emotion only loosely related to environment.

I think my parents are horribly uncaring and clearly do not understand me at all as if they did, they would have bought me a Volvo instead of a tacky Mustang. Even more uncaring is my friend who purposely calls when I'm in the shower so that he may avoid having to actually talk to me. Making my life even worse is the fact that I only have 12 Lacoste shirts and that my white North Face jacket turned pink in the wash. In other words, I have some serious rich kid rage!

by lacoste_lover December 30, 2005

55πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

trailer trash goth

A terribly unsuccessful attempt at the goth look that leaves the wearer looking a few chromosomes short. This most often occurs amongst A. those who are too poor to spend more than a dollar on any look (and in fact, probably do live in trailers) and B.yuppie puppieswho most likely got distracted by the shiny chains in Hot Topic on their way to J. Crew.

Parker and Tiffanie are a very happy trailer trash goth couple. Tiffanie's black eyer liner has now made it's way down to her lips so as to distract people from the bruises her second baby's daddy gave her when he came for a visit. Parker looks just a bright in his black pants with the attached chains topped off with his father's sweatervest.

by lacoste_lover September 28, 2005

26πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A 'Christian' religious sect that meets all neccessary criteria for a cult (though that applies to a number of christian sects). This particular sect of mental patients beleive that females will burn in hell for a cutting their hair, wearing makeup, piercing their ears, or any other destructive, vain activities. All pentecostals are raised to beleive that any non-pentecostal will burn in hell for eternity, as will any pentecostal who has ever drank, smoked, said 'gosh', or missed church. This high level of logical thinking goes a long way in explaining why most pentecostals live in trailer parks and eat fried Spam for dinner (after, of course, they pray).

Pentecostal:"Oh dear, is that (gasp) lipgloss you're wearing...with pants, no less."
Normal person: "Yes, dont you know that most modern females wear pants?"
Pentecostal:"The bible clearly states that sinners like you will be damned to hell for all of eternity."
Normal person walks away content, knowing that hell would be better than a heaven filled with pentecostals.

by lacoste_lover October 4, 2005

182πŸ‘ 439πŸ‘Ž


They are to truepreppieswhat WalMart sneakers with 4 stripes are to Adidas. While a true preppy wears Ralph Lauren and Lacoste, preps reek of wannabe neuvo riche with Abercrombie mini skirts and cheap American Eagle polo shirts that they're quite proud of. Their parents drive minivans and live in tract housing but still beleive that they are better than everyone else. Unlike preppies who may or may not be popular, preps are insecure popular snobs.

The prep bought a five year old Camaro and went to buy a dress shirt at Hollister. For this, he beleives that he is better than everybody else.

by lacoste_lover September 29, 2005

43πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


The kind of place where disgruntled teens go on killing sprees with hopes that prison will at least be more interesting. Every house is nice, moderately priced, and identical every other house in it's subdivision. Appopriately enough, the average suburban household owns a Suburban (so that the soccer team can be carpooled back to their tract housing without having to remove the Abercrombie bags from the cargo area).

I live in such suburbia that if it werent for the flowers our landscaper planted, I probably wouldnt be able to tell which house I lived in and which belonged to the neighbors.

by lacoste_lover October 12, 2005

394πŸ‘ 101πŸ‘Ž


The guy you sit next to in class who's killed so many brain cells with drugs that he has to ask "Dude, where am I?" every five minutes. A burnout is a stoner who didn't stop until every last brain cell was fried, and even though every brain cell is now fried, is still smoking at least five blunts a day.

Burnout: "Dude, where am I and why is everyone being so quiet?"
normal person:"This is your brother's funeral"
burnout:"Ah man, that sucks. Wait, I had a brother?"
normal person"Yeah"
burnout:"Woah, that's crazy! Wait-did you know that when I hit myself in the head it sounds like it's hollow?"
normal person: "Why am I not surprised?"

by lacoste_lover July 16, 2006

35πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž