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a mommy is a women who dose all she can to make sure her kids grow up to be loving caring people who are smart enought and who respect them selfs enought to live happy lifes. a mommys job is verry hard, and kids may not always understand there reasons for things mommys do all they can for there kids.

my mommy has become my best friend and id be lost with out her.
all the things my mommy has went threw for me has made me respect her more and more.
mommy i wanna be just like you.

by ladytruth April 2, 2011

138👍 72👎


a one of a kind girl with a one of a kind name. she always has somthing to say and when you have a bad day she can always make you smile and is so easy to talk to. malaena is a very pretty, sweet, flirty but far from easy, funny, romantic, strong woman who maybe little but will stick up for her self and her loved ones. she hates liers loves kids and is true to her word. shes the type of girl men wanna marry and girls wanna be. and i respect her for it.

Malaena is my bestfiend id be lost with out her.
Malaena is a one of a kind great girl.
Malaena may not be perfect but she has a good heart and a nice head on her sholders.

by ladytruth April 2, 2011

17👍 6👎