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To get, grab, receive, aquire, or otherwise do, relatively quickly.

Synonymous with "cop". Not to be confused with the traditional definition of "snoop" (i.e. "snooping around").

This use of the word has gradually emerged in midwestern US cities such as Minneapolis and Chicago throughout 2014 - 2015.

"I'm going to snoop some dinner, would you like to come?" "Can I snoop that book from behind you real quick?"

by lalalala212 March 13, 2015

29👍 12👎


Party 'Till You Puke, Party Till Your Naked

Person 1: "Yo you going to the haus tonight? the theme is lobsters and mobsters."
Person 2: "Yeah dude, PTYP PTYN!"

by lalalala212 March 13, 2015

4👍 2👎