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(1) To redesign one’s database search interface and results to more and more closely resemble Google’s engine (sarcastic or necessary insertion: because the user will treat it like Google anyway).

(2) To type a request for information into a general search engine in the hope that the algorithm employed by the search engine combined with the resources accessed will produce a relevant result.

(3) To substitute the exercise of disciplined research based on knowledge of the accessed resource and the function of search commands with a randomly worded plea for help finding information, similar to the plea a child might make to its parent to do their work for them.

(1) The library had to googlify its website because nobody seemed to know what a catalog was.

(2) Sheila didn't get any good results from her search because she completely googlified the process.

(3) Instead of using structured terms and connectors, Dan would just googlify his search, cross his fingers, and hope for the best.

by lawlibrarian May 9, 2016