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A person online who dates(mostly on a virtual game called roblox) most of them are people that are to afraid that they will get rejected if they ask someone out in real life . Mostly are at an age range from 7-15 and wear popular items that other Oders might like. Most of them have robux because they want to buy items that might make them look attractive.

xxcoolhotboy123xx: Hey cutie wanna be my gf?
hotgirl1234: Ok
Bruhishangellit: ewww we have some ODers Here
hotgirl1234: Shut up your just jealous that you dont have a lover,nubs xD
xxcoolhotboy123xx: SHUT UP!!! NUBS!!!
xxcoolhotboy123xx lets go babe and leave this nubs alone
hotgirl1234: Ok babe

by lemoniskewel August 5, 2017

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