Source Code

Zwack Mate

He fiinneee

if u have him u should never let him go.

omg u have a Zwack Mate?! You should never let him go!

by lenaaaaa November 18, 2019

2👍 1👎


One of the best friends you can ask for. Extremely trustable. If you have one you should never let them go. Mate will always give you really good advice, he is really funny and kind.

OMG YOU'VE GOT A MATE?! You should never let them go!

by lenaaaaa November 18, 2019

20👍 12👎


Mate is one of the most sweet and loving boys you will ever meet. He is a great friend. He is really funny, trustable and handsome. If you have a Mate in your life you're really lucky and you should never let him go! He will make you feel better when you're sad, but Mate's are also real sensitive so you should watch out about what you say. If you do something that hurts him he will forgive easily if you are really sorry when you say sorry. Also you should never lie to a Mate because he can see right through you. If you have a Mate in your life your real lucky!!

Random Person: Omg! You have a Mate?!
Me: Uhm yes
Random Person: You should never let them go!!
Me: i know :)

by lenaaaaa November 18, 2019

25👍 27👎


Talk to you later

Bye, ttyl

by lenaaaaa November 18, 2019

338👍 94👎