Source Code

candy heart

another name for that lovely place between a females legs thats always warm and ready

my candy heart is waiting for your tasting

by liberty November 20, 2004

6πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

special happy no-no place

that oh so special place between every little boy and girls legs

" I told Father John to keeps his hands off of my special happy no-no place.

by liberty November 20, 2004

33πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


reggae dancehall music/dance

Remember the Bashment FM 87.5?
see smashed it

by liberty September 18, 2003

288πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

mindless self indulgence

1.) To masturbate
2.)Forget Blink 182-3- and 4, Mindless Self Indulgence (MSI as they are known to their loyal fans) is a punk band in its truest form whose name manifests itself during their incendiary live shows. Their music is a hybrid of Atari driven electronics with a venomous splash of A.D.D Punk Rock. MSI is the breath of fresh air that is sure to offend your p.c. restrained, category demanding, humorless peers.

I totally msi'd last night. it was great
ORRR That msi show last night was better then masturbating, or even real sex. I kissed Jimmy Urine for only a dollar!

by liberty May 6, 2004

792πŸ‘ 158πŸ‘Ž

ragga yout

teenagers concerned with nothing but the ways of the street

i got jacked by some ragga yout

by liberty September 18, 2003

4πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


bust-up (broken)

by liberty September 16, 2003

21πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Well is used instead of really nowdays because people who speak english correctly are considered to be un-cool by chav idiots, it used to be only used by such idiots but now they've ruined the english language for a lot of other people and decent people have started saying it. The correct way to use the world well is at the start of a sentance.

Stupid dumbass chav way: That's well gay.

Correct way: Well You were kinda mean.
Well nevermind.
Well, I'm off.

by liberty March 28, 2005

85πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž