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Football addict. Drinks a lot of coffee and likes to vape. Obsessed with cars and searching on eBay for ones heҀ™ll never buy. Does strange things with his nostrils and even stranger dancing. All round good egg, if a little weird.

Dean the coffee drinking eBay searching dad dancing vape king

by littleloops November 20, 2017

I still love you

The hardest 4 words to say out loud, let alone to another person.

Even after all this time, I still love you.

by littleloops August 13, 2017

47πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A blank space, a missing part.

A person or a place, a connection or a flame that slipped away. Impossible to replace as nothing fits except Lacuna.

Lacuna hurts

by littleloops August 13, 2017

21πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž