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Nonstop Debate

Nonstop debate is one of Danganronpa class trial minigames included in all of the main games.

After you select Truth Bullet (Mouse Wheel) found in Investigation period before the trial, you find weak spot at other people's statements and shoot (Left Mouse Button) this contradiction.

While playing Nonstop Debate, white noise may appear (Incidentally it's colour is pink.) Which you have to shoot with Silencer (Right Mouse Button).

Sometimes you must absorb (Hold Left Mouse Button) other people's weak spots and shoot it at different people's contradictions.

You must of course listen carefully durning trial AND investigation or else you might not be able to clear it without trouble.

Girl E: Heya, still got trouble with that debate?
Guy F: I just don't know how to clear it y'know.
Girl A: Nonstop Debate you talking about? I can help.

by lmncz August 20, 2020

2👍 1👎

Nonstop Debate

Part of Danganronpa game series. It is a minigame included in Trigger Happy Havoc, Goodbye Dispear and Killing Harmony.

Simply, you find contradictions in other people's statements.

Durning the minigame, controls can be reviewed with ESC.

Success of nonstop debate depends on how much you listen durning investigation period.

by lmncz August 21, 2020


I'm losing all my bones, cuz there's bones in my bones.

Remix of the song "Bones" but every noun is Bones.

"Ma BONES is wailing is this entertaining our BONES is wailing is this entertaining?"

by lmncz February 17, 2023



The most bisexual joke you can imagine. These numbers stand for Iod, Americium and Bismuth, or in short I-Am-Bi.

This is one of the best ways to lie to yourself about comming out without comming out. Unless your parents are chemistry teachers.

Bi: Mom, Dad, 53-95-83
Dad: ????
Mom: ????

by lmncz June 6, 2021

1👍 2👎