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She is a beautiful,sexy,girl and she is smart and uses her amazing voice to get men,everybody loves her but she only loves, she has amazing curves and is sassy though she will deny it,

Who's that angel over there

That's not an angel that's Berlin

by loganwilliams January 26, 2019

19👍 10👎


Eli, some might describe him as a sex machine. he is not of great size but his penis is. when it comes to playing an instruments he is the deal. he also uses his sexy voice to get women in bed. he is a very funny guy. if you meet an Eli, take care of him because he wont last long.

1: Did you see Eli playing the guitar
2: Yeah, and I think he also got that other girl in bed tonight

by loganwilliams February 7, 2019

1👍 2👎