Source Code

Internet Hat Machine

A device closely resembling the Internet Hate Machine, itself a device first described by Faux News as a machine in which internets are inserted, and hate is produced. As one can derive, the Internet Hat Machine converts internets into hats.

When I put lols into the Internet Hate Machine, I got lulz. But when I put lols into the Internet Hat Machine, I got silly hats only.

by loooooooooooooooooooongcat May 21, 2008

53👍 6👎


The self-given nickname of a prepubescent youtube user pruante2forever (now), who became popular after making anti-porn videos, which made him a selected target of anonymous. Known mainly as Jawsus and needs a dental plan.

-Jawsus aka Sexman

by loooooooooooooooooooongcat March 2, 2008

71👍 25👎


Something that is to be charged, and then fired.

Imma chargin' mah lazer!
Imma firin' mah lazer!

by loooooooooooooooooooongcat February 25, 2008

351👍 72👎


Any picture with a redundant/pointless/retarded motivational border around it, in some attempt to be funny. Usually these end up being fail.

Motivational borders became unfunny around 2005 but for some reason, people still find it necessary to make motifails.

by loooooooooooooooooooongcat February 25, 2008

24👍 6👎

Rule 40

Pool's closed, due to AIDS.

Rule 36 states that "if it exists, it is someone's fetish", not Rule 40. Read the rules of the internet, newfag.

by loooooooooooooooooooongcat February 25, 2008

274👍 66👎

we need moar internets

The result of inserting facebook into the internet hat machine. The end result is something resembling /b/ but with less deprivation and moar uncorrupted lulz.

On the first day, /b/ was created.
On the second day, a lolcat wished for moar internets.
On the third day, a group made the decision that we need moar internets.

by loooooooooooooooooooongcat May 21, 2008

24👍 15👎