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A word used to replace the word "masterbate". And visa-versa. Used very frequesntly in certain areas in small groups but not widly known of.

I started clapping for a while after watching my favorite vid. Jimmy likes to masterbate when he approves a message.

by lordethal December 20, 2006

18👍 38👎

playstation 3

The next generation in gaming. Better graphics and gameplay the the wii and 360. It, though expensive, will out do any other system pre 2012.It costs a lot but it is worth every penny. most people say ps3 sucks only in blindness in rage over their obsession with the hatred towards playstation as a company.

tom: my playstation 3 makes the wii and 360 look like crap.

chris (360 fan): NO!!!....its just better

fred (wii fan): yeah...we suck

by lordethal December 22, 2006

114👍 107👎

poser poser

A person who poses to be a poser just to get attention. Usually has no social group and little to no friends.

Whats his face is such a poser poser! Just stick to a damn group.

by lordethal December 20, 2006

28👍 11👎

out of the band

A term used by nerds. "You are out of the band" is used to make fun of a person even though there is no actual band to be kicked out of.

richard: tony, your out of the band

tony: What band?

richard: The band

by lordethal April 3, 2007

3👍 3👎