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Typing of the Dead

The best game of all time. An educational game based off of an incredibly gory zombie shooter. Essentially a port of House of the Dead 2, except the zombies carry basic household items (plungers, spatulas, ladles) instead of axes, and all the main characters wield keyboards attached to Dreamcasts instead of guns. In order to defeat the terrifying zombies, you must quickly type relevant words like "Daffodil" and "Snapdragon." The terrible voice acting that was carried over from the original enhances the experience twofold.

Civilian: Oh no. Help me. I don't want to die.
Player: Loretta! Julia! Die-hard Roach! Sphagnum!
Frying Pan-Wielding Zombie: Uggh.
<Frying Pan-Wielding Zombie dies>
Civilian: Thank you for saving me. You can go out that way.
Player's friend: Dude, what the fuck?
Player: Don't hate, it's just Typing of the Dead!

by lovesmesumcake August 22, 2008

25๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. When something sucks super badly, used in a manner very similar to bullshit.

2. Used to refer to somebody that is as bad or worse than a pile of shit (dookie). Ideally the dookster should be referred to as such when he or she is present but should never find out that he or she is in fact the dookster. Bonus points if the dookster starts making jokes about "the dookster," not realizing that he or she is the dookster his or herself. If the dookster ever finds out that he or she is the dookster, sever all ties with the dookster immediately and never talk to the dookster again.

When joking about the dookster, it's proper to mention how the dookster does typical dookster things (most often making a dookie) and t make "the dookster" gesture, which looks like two thumbs up held close together and waved up and down in opposite directions.

1. Person A: I got an F on my science test!
Person B: Aww man, that's dookster!

2. Person A: I super fucking hate Ron.
Person B: Yeah, Ron sucks ballsack.
-Ron/The Dookster enters.-
Person A: Something smells like shit.
Person B (making the dookster gesture): It's probably the dookster, makin' a dookie!
Ron/The Dookster: Haha yeah guys, that dookster smells like shit...
Person A: Yeah, right.
Person B: The dookster is such a fucking retard.
Ron/The Dookster: Yeah he is!
Person A: You know it.

by lovesmesumcake October 27, 2008

6๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


A stingy or ungenerous person; one who is or is behaving niggardly. Despite popular belief, the word is actually historically considered highly offensive. Should not be confused with the word nigger, which is also highly offensive, but in a different way. In everyday speech, the two words sound nearly identical, so it's a good rule of thumb to save the word for print. It's considered pretty archaic anyway, so it's probably not a good idea to use it in any context unless you want to offend someone who has a less developed vocabulary.

See niggardly, niggardliness.

Person With a Large Vocabulary: Why won't you give me a dollar? You're such a niggard.

Person With a Small Vocabulary: WHAT'D YOU JUST CALL ME?!

Person With a Large Vocabulary: I called you a niggard. You know: stingy, not generous, generally not the kind of person you'd want to hang out with.

Person With a Small Vocabulary: Now you're just being racist!

by lovesmesumcake August 30, 2008

501๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


A type of photography invented by the Lomographic Association, a company founded in the early 90s in Austria to market the Lomo LC-A, a cheap Russian camera which the founders had discovered took strange, high-contrast photos that often featured vignetting (the focus goes soft and the image darkens around the edges).

Today Lomography is mainly used to describe the "art" of taking photos with a Lomographic camera, or any camera sold by the Lomographic Association (popular examples include the Fisheye, Lomo LC-A, and Holga). The term is also sometimes used to describe photography using any cheap or quirky cameras.

The Lomographic Society has come under very severe criticism for several points, the main one being that the company seems to sell cameras and photographic equipment for far, far more than it's worth. Notable examples include the Lomo LC-A itself, which was around $30 USD when the original Lomographers first purchased it, yet sells for around $250, or the new Diana+, an updated version of a camera that originally sold for $1 that is currently sold by Lomography for $50. The Lomographic Society also seems to emphasize wild experimentation with (expensive) film, which some point out might be a ploy to get consumers to purchase more film from the Lomographic Society themselves.

Recently (as in early 2007-ish), the Urban Outfitters chain of stores have begun to stock Lomographic cameras, giving the brand a much larger audience to cavort around green pastures snapping photos willy-nilly and calling it art.

(As much as I hate the Lomographic Society for their sales practices, I must admit that I do regularly use my Lomo LC-A, as well as my Holga and my Diana+. I also buy film from them very often. Hey, it's a mean business practice, but Lomography is fun as shit.)

Person 1: Hey, I just got a Holga from Urban Outfitters.
Person 2: Cool, dude! You just had $10 burning a hole in your pocket, did you?
Person 1: What the fuck? That thing cost me $75!
Person 2: What a rip. Also, know that the film for those things is $5 a roll, not including development, which you'll have to get done at a specialty camera store because drug stores don't develop that kind of film.
Person 1: FUCK.
Person 2: That's Lomography for you.

by lovesmesumcake August 15, 2008

87๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Muscle Car

A second dick.

Dude, Toby's muscle car must be compensating for something...

by lovesmesumcake August 21, 2008

32๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Smirnoff Ice

An alcoholic drink made by the Smirnoff vodka company that is technically beer (it says so on the bottle) even though it's clear. It comes in a lot of flavors, some of which taste great and some of which taste nastier than shit. It has a very low alcohol per volume ranking (can't remember of the top of my head but I think it's around 10-20 proof).

Oftentimes called a bitch drink because of its low alcohol content and fruity flavor, but it tends to be the drink of choice at many parties.

The good flavors taste a lot like Sprite with alcohol, but a bit sweeter.

Guy 1: What are you drinking?
Guy 2: Green Apple flavored Smirnoff Ice!
Guy 1: Dude, that's such a bitch drink.
Guy 2: Shut up, you know you love it.

by lovesmesumcake January 14, 2009

220๐Ÿ‘ 133๐Ÿ‘Ž