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push pen anxiety

A psychological state characterized by one's excessive push-in push-out of his or her retractable pen; due to stress or boredom.

*click click* *click click*

That kid at the back of the class has a serious case of push pen anxiety.

by luckyonehere August 12, 2011

7094👍 1594👎

Boxing Week

The 6 day period, starting on Boxing day and usually lasting until New Year's Eve, where all stores declare they are having the biggest sales of the year, in the effort to clear out all their inventory for the new year.

''Remember the good old days when Boxing day was only one day?''

''Yeah, thank God for Boxing week, I've never bought so many useless things!''

by luckyonehere December 26, 2011

4👍 1👎

Bullshit Buildup

A term relating to the accumulation of bullshit in a relationship, causing an individual to reconsider his or her current situation, ultimetly leading to a break up. Includes all sorts of bullshit: lying, cheating, lack of sex, ignorance, etc.

David: Hey Jimmy, why did you break up with Rachel?

Jimmy: It was bullshit buildup! I couldn't take it anymore...

David: Sucks man, better luck with the next girl.

by luckyonehere May 23, 2012

2👍 1👎