Source Code

Paris Hilton

1. One who looks like a cross between Big Bird, Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons, and a toucan.
2. See: attention-whore, one who has done nothing to get where she is, no talent, racist, stupid, spoiled.
3. Shallow people believe that those who see her for what she is - a stupid, untalented, skanky, uninteresting, ugly waste of space are fat and ugly and poor.

Nikki Ann: OMG Paris Hilton is so kewl! If u hate her ure fat and ugly and poor and jellous!
Me: I'm actually quite skinny, good-looking, and not jealous and not poor.

by lucy February 24, 2005

956πŸ‘ 672πŸ‘Ž

Middle School

7th and 8th grade. Fucking shitpile run by crackwhore teachers.

Look at all those middle school boys. They need to get laid.

by lucy October 4, 2004

1994πŸ‘ 559πŸ‘Ž


Comes from a girl (me) who got tired of saying 'special' and spelling it. So instead was inspired to make it speshmal.

Lucy: "I'm very speshmal."

by lucy April 13, 2005

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

pants allergies

someone who is allergic to her pants ((sophia))

sophia is allergic to her pants she had to go to the e.r. last night

by lucy March 10, 2005

4πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


a moob is a man boob

Oh my god evans moob just smacked that kid in the face!!!!!!

by lucy October 25, 2004

332πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

P town

Pretty much any town that begins with a "P." Where I'm from, it's either Pennington, NJ, or Princeton, NJ.

"Yo let's go to ptown tonight"

by lucy February 28, 2005

26πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž


A definition I wrote which got consored because I said that polygamy was wrong.

The possession and trafficking of young girls is slavery

by lucy February 23, 2005

416πŸ‘ 420πŸ‘Ž