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Describing something/someone that is incredibly cool, or awesome

Synonyms: dope asf, cool as shit, fucking incredible

“Hey look it’s PITBULL”

“Yo PITBULL is quizzy as fuck! Did you know he won a Nobel Peace Prize for philanthropy?”

“No, I didn’t! That IS quizzy as fuck dude!”

by m!4m! September 7, 2022


Term used to describe the feeling of being especially exhausted after getting crossed. It references the feeling of cotton mouth from being high, and the feeling of needing medical attention from drinking too much. Can also be a crossover of any number of substances, but ‘gauzed’ refers to the post-multi-substance-intake haze that consequently ensues.

“Dude I’m so crossed right now”
“Do you think you’ll feel gauzed later?”

“I’m so gauzed right now, I just want to go to sleep”

by m!4m! March 18, 2023