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You got your regular human beings. Some may annoy you and you're indifferent about most. As long as they have morals that they believe in enough to behave as a safe member of society, they're human and you don't really notice them.

Then you got the pedophiles, rapists, religious extremists and other cult leaders, hate-criminals, war lords, cannibals, the people who ruthlessly destroy lives for greed or fame, and the people who kill innocents just because free will permits them to and sometimes Internet Whores.

Things that are so repulsive in nature that they aren't human, but they look like one and only behave as one in the most basic ways needed to survive (eating, sleeping, etc.). They are below the human status, most likely even below the animal kingdom.

You notice these things because they do stuff that provoke the deepest black and red-colored emotions in you as long as you know that they are alive.

The main thing to keep in mind is that at end of the day with regular humans, in all seriousness, you don't want to really kill the people who just get on your nerves or wish them the most miserable death imaginable that last ten thousand years. A subhuman is someone if you were to see them getting murdered in the worse way in an alley, you would act like you didn't see anything. Or even more, you might join in.

If they're already dead. you'd party like it's 1999 on their grave mostly because you're disgusted that they were even graced with grave.

Pablo Escobar, Jeffery Dahmner, Griselda Blanco, Joseph Kony, Benito Mussolini, Adolph Hilter and the Nazi Party, Muammar Gaddafi, Roman Emperor Nero, Jim Jones, John Wayne Gacy, pretty much anyone who's been featured on pysih.com , and many more...they are all subhuman

by maddywoo March 19, 2013

109👍 66👎

Tasty Bass

Bass that sounds so good that you can just almost taste it on your tongue and even make you lick your lips.

Also can called Delicious Bass.

Its just like coffee: if its weak, its not tasty. If its strong or holds a little dominance, its tasty. You gotta feel the robustness.


"Blue Blood Blues" by Dead Weather
"The Boys Are Back In Town" by Thin Lizzy
"YYZ" by Rush
are JUST a few songs with tasty bass.

by maddywoo August 7, 2010

To die a little

The best way I can describe this feeling, is like having a part of your soul (or heart) just stripped away without warning.

It can be seen as jealously, but that's the pessimistic view. If you can admit when this has happened to you, I call it just keeping it real.

When your immoral slut friend or cousin or just some ugo in general gets married before you, that might cause you to die a little inside.

When your friend gets that promotion that you secretly wanted, you might die a little inside.

When someone preferred your prissy and pretentious neighbor's sweet potato pie over yours, you might die a little inside.

When you see your ex with another person so soon after you, you might die a little inside.

"Every time a friend succeeds, I die a little."
-Gore Vidal

by maddywoo January 16, 2011

34👍 6👎

sell out

I don't think I agree with this general definition here. When I think "sell out", I don't think of someone who blew up out of popularity. Most of the time, they have no choice over that, so its not fair to them and it makes the labeler look like a hater. Plus, what if that was their goal right from the beginning? You're basically chastising them for having hopes and dreams.

When I think of a sell out, I think of someone who vehemently spoke out against something or people who did something but later turns around and does the same thing. That is also a hypocrite.

There's nothing wrong with wanting do really well for yourselves. Like I said before some of these people had no choice and if you care for the actor, band, etc. you would be glad their talent got them where they are. I mean, we all have dreams, and we all gotta eat and fend for ourselves. If you have a talent, by all means flaunt it.

And trust me, I know how bad it feels when stupid people get a hold of your favorite band, but again that's not the band's fault and there will ALWAYS be a stupid bunch a group, period. No other way around it.

But when people actually talk about how stupid someone is, or how wrong one profession is, then later decides that they want to be in that profession or be that person's friend, that's when I have a problem. That's not attractive, at all. That's trifling, wishy washy, and fake.

Sally: What is that what Jack is wearing?

Jan: Oh, those are his new Prada loafers, don't they look nice?

Sally: That fucking sell out, he was just telling me a few months ago how he hated designer labels because the methods they used to make their products.

Sally: Wow, what a dick.

by maddywoo December 22, 2010

40👍 15👎

Satan In A Sunday Hat

When something that is really bad is disguised as something pretty/handsome/beautiful.

First reference was made in a Season 2 episode of HBO's "True Blood" when Tara's intuitive cousin, Lafayette, referred to her mysterious then-lover, Eggs, as "Satan in a beautiful Sunday hat"

To victims of Ted Bundy would now probably refer to him as Satan in a Sunday Hat despite the fact that he had the eyes of crazed sonofabitch.

by maddywoo January 8, 2010

110👍 16👎

Vinnie Chase Complex

Also called the Vincent Chase Complex (VCC). This is the disorder that happens among hotshots of some sort who does one or two great deeds and it fed their ego to such a high a point that they believed they didn't even have to play by the rules anymore and that they had the right to call the shots. Usually results in such a colossal failure that circumstance has to bring their ego down a few notches. With the failure even comes an in epiphany from time to time.

Taken from the character Vincent Chase off HBO's TV Show Entourage when Vincent did one smash hit movie at the beginning of the series. He thought the hype was perpetual so started roles only he wanted to do and what roles that would be in the best interest for his career. His colossal failure was Medellin, a movie he stressed everyone out about, but turned out being so bad that hardly anybody in the town would even let him audition for another gig.

Jill: You know just because Jack did really great on that brief 3 months ago, doesn't mean he's the new boos.

Jane: yeah, he's definitely got that Vinnie Chase Complex going on. Don't worry he'll get his.

by maddywoo November 23, 2010