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acronym for "for fucks sake", often used by licensed surveyors aimed at incompetent survey assistants.

2fs (for fucks sake), you set it up then

for fucks sake, and you want to be a surveyor?

may be used in conjunction with: "what the fuck are you doing, just park the car"

by major_conti July 8, 2009

8👍 3👎


a person who has complete disredard for others.

a person that is rude, says inappropriate things.

a 'real' person.

someone that will yell across vast expanses trying to have a conversation whilst other conti cant hear anything

"what a conti"

"hey conti heres your beer"

"is he a conti? yeah he's a huge conti"

"such a conti thing to do"

"yeah he's a good conti"

"yeah he's a conti, not the good kind either"

by major_conti June 6, 2009

10👍 14👎