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give your head a wobble, won't you?

Versatile phrase. Use whenever someone's being a dumbass.

P1: There's so much proof that the earth is flat, open your eyes!
P2: You daft cunt. Give your head a wobble, won't you?

by makkapakka-akkawakka May 17, 2021

5👍 6👎

Will I Fuck

Expression of not wanting to do something. Usually a response to someone saying you're going to do something, or asking if you want to do something. More angry and direct way of saying "No, I'm not doing that." When you wanna say no but no isn't enough to get your point across. Alternate version of Am I Fuck

Person 1: Hey P2, will you help me look after my younger brother? My mum's gone out.
Person 2: Will I fuck! You're on your own mate.

P1: Yeah, P2's gonna go skydiving with me tomorrow.
P2: Will I fuck! When the fuck did I agree to that?!

by makkapakka-akkawakka July 5, 2020

3👍 6👎


Acronym for "I love her," - I Love HeR

P1: omfg nicki my queen ilhr
P2: What the fuck is ilhr?
P1: it means "i love her"
P2: Gotcha.

by makkapakka-akkawakka May 28, 2021


NAPLAN; the standardised testing in Australia used for Year 3, Year 5, Year 7, and Year 9 students.

NAPLAN season is the time of year in which NAPLAN testing rolls around. It can also be called "Hell."

P1: Happy May. Hey, you know what that means...
P2: What?

P1: It's almost NAPLAN season.
P2: Fuck my life.

by makkapakka-akkawakka May 17, 2021

don't reckon so

A phrase Australians (and pommie cunts) use to express that they aren't sure, but the answer is leaning towards the negative. Another way of saying "I don't think so".

A: ey mate, dyou think ms cuthberts gonna give us a pink slip for skipping?
B: nah don't reckon so mate, shes blind as a fuckin bat. never bothers to take attendance anyways
A: nah yeah but what if mattie dobs n that? ykno hes a fuckin sook
B: fuckin mattie.

A: yeah, fuck mattie.

by makkapakka-akkawakka February 2, 2021

Cheese Grater

A sexual position in which one party is the cheese and the other party is the grater.

Sarah: "I was just with Chelsea the other night..."
James: "Dude, awesome, did she give you the Cheese Grater?"

by makkapakka-akkawakka February 23, 2021

G'Day Bruce

An Australian game, usually played on school camps or as a drinking game. In G'day Bruce, everyone sits in a circle. There's usually at minimum around 4 players, and at max 20 or so. Everyone's name is Bruce. The starting player turns to the person on their left, and says "G'day Bruce!" The person responds "G'day Bruce." The starting player then says "say G'day to Bruce, Bruce," pointing to the third person in the circle.

Obviously, it can get a bit confusing. It goes on like this until someone messes up (e.g, taking too long to respond, saying the wrong thing, using the wrong name, et cetera) and then their name changes to something else. In most games, the hierarchy is like this: Bruce - Steve - Gazza - Sheila - Binchicken. So when a Bruce messes up, their name turns to Steve, when a Steve messes up they become a Gazza, et cetera et cetera. Everyone in the circle has to keep track of everyone's names, which gets very confusing very quick. When someone becomes a Binchicken, if they mess up, they're out of the game for good.

The last person to have not become a kicked out binchicken wins. If this is used as a drinking game, it's the exact same but people have to take a drink everytime they mess up.

Bruce #1: G'day Bruce!
Bruce #2: G'day Bruce.
Bruce #1: Say G'day to Bruce, Bruce.

Bruce #2: G'day Bruce.
Bruce #3: G'day Bruce.
Bruce #2: G'day --
Bruce #3: Aw, mate, you messed up. You're a Steve now.

So on so forth.

by makkapakka-akkawakka July 1, 2020