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the sad bitch with the blonde hair in harry potter. the one everyone ignored when he was 110% depressed who deserved better. deserving of a redemption arc better than snape.

person 1: "i had a dream abput me boyfriend last night,"

person 2: "oh yeah? i didnt know you had one. mike, is it?"
1: "no. draco,"
2: "bish, he aint real,"
1: "bish what did you say?"
2: "he aint real!"
1: *pulls out knife*
2: *looks worriedly at them*
1: "you must not tell lies"
2: "bae chill"

1: *lunges*
2: *screams*
*blood spatter everywhere, person one laughing maniacally while crying theyre eyes out because theyre thinking about sad draco*

by malfoysnmordor July 26, 2020

220👍 41👎