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Killed It

It's a stupid fucking 2 words that destroys definition of "Doing a great job " that people like to use to make themselves sound cool otherwise not knowing they technically sound like a douchebag or a douchess ( Girl ).

Dude he killed it on the weights and now he's swole as fuck

by mariotuzzo April 13, 2016

1👍 3👎


A boy named J.R. , otherwise known as " Just Retarded " a boy who acts like a child, cheats amongst women, is a criminal that steals, tries to commit suicide on himself numerous ties and a person who will tell and lie to people and tell them that you have all these problems when he secretly has all these and will let other people down to make himself feel better.

P.S. Because he had a hard life that he created all these problems for himself.

Please don't be a J.R. And be a good role model for people to follow you.

by mariotuzzo April 13, 2016

18👍 44👎


A definition of what douchebag or douchess ( Girl ) bodybuilders use to explain they got big, fake ass muscle sor plumped up muscles or otherwise inflated muscles. These people think they look great, but when they really can't lift a 25 lb dumbbell.

That girl looks so swole, I bet she is stronger then you dude!

by mariotuzzo April 13, 2016

3👍 4👎


For a boy: It's a skin between the asshole and the dick.
For a girl: it's a skin between the asshole and the vagina

When I become aroused I want you to lick my Taint bitch!

by mariotuzzo April 13, 2016

7👍 129👎