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A shipper is singlehandedly one of the most annoying fans of television. They are obsessed with the notion that two characters of a TV show or movie should be or will be together. These particular type of fans have no interest in the more pertinent aspects of the show, just the romance of the characters they are shipping.

ABC's "LOST", is a perfect example of this annoying trend. The Jack/Kate/Sawyer love triangle have generated many shippers that call themselves "Jaters" (Kate/Jack relationship) or "Skaters" (Kate/Sawyer relationship). The shippers are occasionally mentioned and somewhat mocked by "LOST" producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse.

A "ship" usually gets its name by pairing the first letter of the male with the female's name, or vice versa. I.E. Brangelina.

"I love Dr. Christian Troy and Lizzie together! I'm gonna be a Chrizzie shipper!!!"

by mary_vega February 26, 2009

237👍 197👎

going jayde

"Going Jayde" is a term used to describe the actions of an insanely jealous and psychotic girlfriend/boyfriend.

The term references Jayde Nicole, the 2008 Playmate of the Year, and girlfriend to Hills star Brody Jenner. She can often be seen throwing angry temper tantrums whenever Brody is seen talking to another female. Her accuastions are often groundless, and embarrassing to watch.

"My girlfriend is going jayde right now because I was talking to my ex-girlfriend".

by mary_vega October 4, 2009

21👍 3👎