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To administer a drug in powder form orally by getting some on the index finger and rubbing it all over the gums.

Let me do a little dab of that speed.

by merlin2k8 March 4, 2008

3659👍 2984👎


Pills containing MDMA (ecstasy) among other drugs and chemicals (most commonly amphetamines) that serve to boost the energetic high so that it will last longer. Many ravers prefer to take pills than pure MDMA not only because it is seen as the traditional form but also because they find that a couple will allow them to keep dancing all night whereas after taking MDMA the individual will usually "crash" (get tired) after several hours and have to take more in order to get their energy back. Pills are also preferred because they are cheaper.

Got any puckers on you?

by merlin2k8 March 4, 2008

13👍 25👎