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lose my shit

specific to; when you see someone you haven't seen in a while in a location or situation you wouldn't normally see them in, you get really excited because you know it's gonna be a mad day/night

Paul (high af): When I see Adam I'm gonna lose my shit!
Adam: *rocks up*

by midnightsolution May 7, 2019

6👍 9👎

the rocket

inhaling a balloon of nitrous oxide (repetitively) while busting a nut

for best results aim to bust just as you start peaking on the nitrous

if you're stoned too the feeling will be extended so that is also recommended

coined as "the rocket" due to feeling as though you have literally blasted off

A: wyd tonight?
B: taking a trip on the rocket
A: no fucking way, actually?
B: yup i'll be on mars in no time

by midnightsolution June 10, 2020

6👍 3👎