Source Code

quote unquote

Synonomous with: supposedly, presumably. Used in conversation to indicate that quotes should be placed around the following word or phrase.

quote unquote work = "work"

I quote unquote work on Fridays.

by mikwat June 7, 2004

80πŸ‘ 95πŸ‘Ž


A command meaning look it up on urban dictionary.

Dude, you don't know what 1337 means? Urbanup!

by mikwat May 29, 2004

423πŸ‘ 153πŸ‘Ž

burning the candle at both ends

An English idiom meaning to work long hours without rest. Working late into the night and beginning again early in the morning.

Joe: You're eyes are black sockets, you need some sleep man!

Snowflake: I've been burning the candle at both ends trying to finish this 509 paper.

by mikwat May 24, 2004

542πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž

emerald triangle

A triangular patch of geography in Northern California, encompassing Mendocino and Humbolt counties, and home to world famous redwood trees and outdoor grown weed.

Joe: This weed is some good shit.
Snowflake: Yea, it from the emeral triangle.

by mikwat May 22, 2004

55πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

take the edge off

The consumption of an alcoholic beverage in order to relax. Also used to describe the practice of drinking a beer in the morning after a night of drinking.

School and work have me stressed out, I need something to take the edge off.

I woke up with the worst hangover this morning. A beer in the shower was just what I needed to take the edge off.

by mikwat June 13, 2004

264πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

rock garden

A rocky trail.

Snowflake: I almost died riding my mtb through that crazy rock garden! There were rocks everywhere!

by mikwat May 21, 2004

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Bad ass. Cool. Violent.

That's a savage drink you just made, thanks bro.

by mikwat October 10, 2004

9441πŸ‘ 2856πŸ‘Ž