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A quench between your buppy

Debbie wore such tight jeans that she had a shavaloo and had to constantly pull them out of her ass.

by mingna June 10, 2008


A quench between your buppy. Pants riding up the crack of your ass.

Debbie wore her jeans so tight that she had a shavaloo and was pulling them out of her ass crack all day.

by mingna June 11, 2008


Someone that butchers the English language. A person that randomly uses huge words and has no idea what they mean.

Wow, did you hear his speach last night, he was a total bingya!

by mingna June 11, 2008

6👍 1👎

norm oliver

A freakishly tall man that's socially retarded, hung like a squirrel, and wears florescent clothing in an effort to get attention. A guy that was, in high school, voted most likely to be poisened by co-workers.

ewww...check out that florescent tard he stands out like a norm oliver.

by mingna June 12, 2008

14👍 7👎

quench between your buppy

A quench between your buppy is person wearing pants that are riding up their ass also known as a shavaloo.

Yikes...did you see that swamp donkey with the shavaloo? Now that was a real quench between your buppy!

by mingna June 11, 2008

4👍 3👎