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The phrase 'knee' originates among stan Twitter culture for the avid fanbase of Britney Spears. The word is used in correlation with Britney Spears' knee injury during the filming of her 2003 music video, Outrageous.

Nowadays, the word knee has been adopted by influencers such as Parisnormal, and is used as a sentence ender for words similar to wig, period & slay.

Miranda Cosgrove noticed my TikTok edit, knee!

Just heard back about my job application, knee!

by mirandacosgrove November 13, 2022


Used when something in pop culture, fashion, conversation and more appears as polished.

Her dress? Serve.
Her opinion? Serve.
Her wig? Serve, mama Ru!

by mirandacosgrove November 13, 2022

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