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an italian gang that originated in sicily and is now mostly found in the new york tri-state area.they consider themselves to be a family and they have specific duties while in this family and specific places to be .they mug,murder. and have other wars with mafias.they are also highly respected. they originally immigrated from sicilly and went to new york citys upper east side some crimes they dont commit are mostly sex crimes and kidnapping,they do hold some people hostage.they do not commit crimes against children.

1.my grandfather was killed because he was in the mafia and he was constantly performing hits

2.this place is more crowded than a mafia funeral

by mizguidette May 11, 2010

24👍 5👎

long island

alright,lemme tell you something....long island (where i was born) is not all rich,white,jewish.ok,im italian and i come from long island.long island isnt that far from the city...its about an hour away,its also not all rich,it has its slums so theres no need to keep saying that the kids here drive mercedes to school....and yes we do have a distinct accent but not every long islander talks like fran drescher

my parents were from brooklyn and im from long island bitches!!

by mizguidette June 27, 2010

6👍 14👎