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moving about as though without any real purpose, but still on top of things; flying under the radar

He has a natural sense of badalato...he really knows what's going on.

by mn4life May 3, 2006

8👍 2👎


1. knowledgeable in a wide variety of fields, especially language 2. to desire another's wife

1. He is really an elias and can offer you a long lesson on at least seven languages. 2. His elias for Mrs. Tiefenthaler is actually quite humorous.

by mn4life May 3, 2006

201👍 200👎


the lone normal person in a room full of crazies; level-headed

I felt pretty Savin in that office. Those people are nuts!

by mn4life May 3, 2006

31👍 21👎


one who is repeatedly flaunted in their desire to go out dancing by other committments.

I got hurwitzed last night when I could have been out with my friends. Such a downer!

by mn4life May 3, 2006

3👍 5👎


to promote a laid-back atmosphere; to experience euphoric joy at the win of your sports team

He really d-murphed the other day when the Yo Mets! team won the intramural championship.

by mn4life May 3, 2006

5👍 2👎


someone who needs very little sleep for survival purposes, but still maintains the cheeriest of demeanors.

Jessie is the most slenker person I know. I think she sleeps maybe five minutes a week but still greets you with a huge smile!

by mn4life May 3, 2006

6👍 3👎