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Incredible Hulked

When someone passes out drunk at your house ( or any house or place ) You and friends drag them in the woods take their shirt,shoes and socks off then you cut their jeans or pants into shorts and they wake up thinking they turned into the Hulk. You get mad at the victim when you see them again and tell them they turned into the Incredible Hulk and fucked your house up!

Man dude what happened? I woke up in the woods without half my clothes! Dude don't get mad at me you are the one who turned into the Incredible hulk last night! Shit you incredible hulked me!!

by moman86 October 27, 2013

30👍 1👎

Woodstock Dick

A Woodstock Dick is when you look like you attend the woodstock festival and you take a lot of speedy drugs and you have a huge bush of public hair. Your clothes become a burden so you get naked and walk around with your mushroom cap sticking out of the bushes as seen at the woodstock festival I'm archival photos.

Random hippy chick: Hey peace man you're really groovy . It takes a lot of guts to be naked in public when you have a Woodstock Dick

by moman86 September 29, 2016