Source Code

the rock

A forgotten movie, starring Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage.

They went to Alkatraz to fight Ed Harris.

by momenti November 28, 2004

190👍 184👎

the fat and the furious

A fat guy driving in a fast car.

He's fat... He's furious... Look out.

by momenti December 15, 2004

22👍 7👎

chrono cross

Bastard spawn of one of the best RPGs ever made. Chrono Cross was a disgrace to Chrono Trigger.

see crap

The characters look stupid. The plot sucks. This game belongs in a toilet. FUCK CHRONO CROSS. LONG LIVE CHRONO TRIGGER!!!

by momenti December 7, 2004

54👍 84👎

solid snaked

1) To be on the recieving end of a stealth kill.

2) When Solid Snake kicks your ass.

Person 1 sneaks behind Person 2 and snaps his neck. Person 2 just got solid snaked.

by momenti December 15, 2004

40👍 5👎

Gendo Ikari

One of the sickest anime characters ever. Gendo kicks ass without ever having to lift a finger.

"Well done... Sinji"

by momenti November 28, 2004

122👍 24👎

golf course

A place where black people are not allowed.

A suburban cesspool, where Republicans over the age of 50 unite.

Try playing some other wussy sport, like Tennis.

by momenti December 15, 2004

139👍 93👎

chewie bacca

some big, hairy mexican guy that lives across the street.

I think I saw him in Star Wars.

by momenti November 28, 2004

7👍 5👎