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An expression used when the user has undergone a slight or perhaps large benefit/gain/advantage.

Not to be confused with the traditional use of "pulled", meaning; getting with a girl. Can be used in a number of scenarios.

The word is often used in combination with the word "cheers", ie "cheers boys, pulled". Can also be used multiple times in one sentence, ie "cheers, pulled pulled".

Martin "just got a triple kill in halo!"
Carl "cheers, pulled"

John "Im getting chinese tonight, cheers pulled"
Martin "definitely a pull, that"

Carl "i really need a piss but theres no toilets free"
John "have one in my sink, cheers pulled"

Martin "hmm, theres nothing on TV....

youjizz, cheers pulled"

Adam "Some lass accepted my friend request, pulled pulled"

Dave "Got myself a new TV, its huge!! cheers"
Carl "after undergoing rigurous research into the rules off a pull i can confirm that rule 13B states, thats a pull"
Martin "Cheers"

by morganBoys August 14, 2010

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