Source Code


the Geller-Family Newspaper.
Edited by Ross Geller

I will put this in the next Geller Yeller!

by moronicfuckup May 24, 2004

48👍 5👎


A counter-strike game filter.
Derived from a misspelled "Filter" Menu option in the earlier versions of CS.

I want to play cs_assault, turn a fitler on for that one!

by moronicfuckup May 24, 2004

5👍 8👎

what the fuck

exaggeration of the word "what", which expresses an interrogative attitude of the speaker, in many ways.

"the fuck" -part is exchangable with "the hell", "the heck", etc.
"what" is exchangable with "who", "where", "when" etc.

What is that? - What THE FUCK is that?
What has just happened? What THE FUCK has just happened?
What is your name? - What the fuck is your name?
What are we going to eat tonight? - What the fuck...

by moronicfuckup May 24, 2004

535👍 168👎