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A client of a medical clinic.

Does not turn up for appointments.

Turns up without an appointment.

Makes appointments.
Changes appointments.
Does not turn up for appointments.
Complains about payment.
Does not pay for appointment.

Terrorises clinic staff with loud, angry outbursts.

Terrifies other patients with inappropriate anecdotes.

Refers other patients.
Process starts once again.

An impatient patient who saps the patience from patient clinic staff.

by mownie March 31, 2010

31👍 18👎


When your chiropractor gives an adjustment that tickles and makes you giggle and squirm uncontrollably.

(Tickle) (tickly) (giggle) (chiropractic) (adjustment) (chiropractickly)

by mownie February 22, 2010

3👍 7👎